Rule 134A: free admission of BPL students in private schools in Haryana | 134a admission form pdf & admission under section 134-A - CSC KNOWLEDEGBASE


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शनिवार, 24 मार्च 2018

Rule 134A: free admission of BPL students in private schools in Haryana | 134a admission form pdf & admission under section 134-A

Meritorious students from BPL & economically weaker sections can now get admission for free in any private schools in Haryana. The Haryana Government`s section 134a reserves 10% seats for such students in private schools. Students studying under CBSC/BOSE board can apply for admission to class 2nd till class 12th under Rule 134-A.
What is Rule 134a?
§  It is a Haryana School Education Rule for admission to the private schools in the state
§  Under the rule reservation is provided to the meritorious students from the Economically Weaker Section (EWS) and Below Poverty Line (BPL) categories
§  Under the rule recognized private schools in the Haryana needs to reserve 10% seats for meritorious students belonging to EWS & BPL categories
§  Under 134a schools can charge fees same as charged by the government schools in the state
Rule 134A School Admissions: Benefits
§  To provide equal opportunities to students from the economically poor background
§  To empower BPL families and students
§  Encourages students towards studies and importance of education
§  Free education from class 2nd till class 8th
§  Govt fees structure in private schools from class 9th till class 12th
Rule 134A admission form PDF Haryana: CLICK HERE
134-A Admission: Documents Required
1.   Completely filled application (134 A application form download)
2.   Domicile certificate / Residence of Haryana certificate
3.   BPL/EWS certificate
4.   Proof of residence (AADHAAR card, Passport, Election Photo Identity Card)
5.   Passport size photograph
6.   Parent`s declaration
7.   Parent`s/family income certificate
Admission Under Section 134-A: Eligibility
·        Students who are residents of Haryana only can apply
·        Students who`s family income is less than Rs. 2 lakh per year are eligible
·        Students who are presently studying in CBSC/BOSE government recognized schools only are eligible
Admission Under Section 134-A: Schedule for admission in class 2nd to 8th under Rule 134-A of Haryana School Education Rules, 2003, amended in 2013
STEP 1: Government of Haryana publishes advertisements for admission under 134a every year in the leading news papers in the state
STEP 2: All the recognized private schools displays the list of vacancies on the school notice board and also on their websites
STEP 3: Students or parents are required to submit their application forms for admission to class 2nd till class 8th under rule 134-a in the private school
STEP 4: BEO/BEEO then verifies the application forms and then publishes the list of eligible applications
STEP 5: Eligible applicants need to appear for the written assessment test
STEP 6: Results (first draw at block level) for the written assessment test for admission under 134a is announced
STEP 7: First round of admissions happens based on the first results draw at the block level
STEP 8: Second draw at the block level is announced for remaining seats if any
STEP 9: Admissions happens on the basis of second draw
Department of School Education, Government of Haryana Helplines / 134a admission complaints:
§  Telephone: 0172-2560269
§  Email:
For more details:

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